Charleston Lace Grand Ballroom

Charleston Lace Grand Ballroom
Midnight Romance

Saturday, June 6, 2020

and We are back! Same place you love, Charleston at Charleston Belle

Charleston Lace  Grand Ballroom
Charleston is back! All the same things you have always loved and a few new ones!
Charleston Couture Shopping, with some of the finest designers in Second Life
.......and what would Charleston be without our grand old dame Charleston Lace Ballroom

Charleston Lace Grand Ballroom

Friday, October 7, 2016

Charleston Couture shops have great new designs for you!

Take a look at what's new and come over stroll around, shop a little, maybe enjoy a romantic dance!

From Marianela's Art in Fashion

New at Matahari Style

New At Tresor Couture

Sunday, October 2, 2016

So Whats new at Charleston?

Tea'se Me , our new tea shop.  Stop by for a cup of tea after your busy day of shopping.  Inside you will find a fun place to chat with your friends, and updates of all the events coming.  If you would rather, you can just sit on the porch and pass the day drinking iced tea in one of the rocking chairs.